ST. GREGORIOS JUNIOR SCHOOL, UDAIPUR is an English medium Co-educational upper primary School, came into existence of on 1st April 2019. Named after one of the greatest saints of last century, ST. GREGORIOS Of Parumala, this temple of learning was lighted for life as an educational venture of the ST. GREGORIOS ORTHODOX CHURCH society, Udaipur. With the sole objective of imparting sound and purposeful education-physical intellectual, social-on a sound footing of democratic, moral, ethical and spiritual values, to boys & girls of all communities, irrespective of their castes and religions, with a missionary zeal.
Focusing at the bright future of the children of Udaipur city, ST. GREGORIOS JUNIOR SCHOOL, UDAIPUR emerged as a co-educational institution in the year 2019 and established it’s repute. It enshrined and bloomed in to a flagship/full-fledge organization to provide sound, balanced and quality education, blended with absolute value to the children coming from all segments of the society. It is a sanctum of learning to groom the students into successful individuals with integrity.